I felt so lucky to have these little guys hang out and keep me company! It seems quite early for them to be here, but as I've never had them before, I'm not sure. Anyone out there know?
This guy decided to take a break from insect hunting and get a drink from our pond.It was defintiely a red-letter day in the old birding journal! There were many other birds around as well, perhaps in anticipation of the snow storm we got on Thursday. I counted 2 tufted titmice, multitudes of chickadees, 1 white breasted nuthatch, 25 crows on the neighbors lawn, 9 goldfinches, 2 purplefinches and 2 woodpeckers, one downy and one red-bellied. Quite a day!
Strangely, since the snow, I haven't seen one single bird at the feeders. Probably still sleeping off their pre-storm glut, the hogs!